VA IRRRL Application
Step Process
Thank you for choosing Freedomstar Financial to assist with the refinancing of your loan.
To proceed, we will need you to complete the following steps:
Gather Documents
Please gather the following items for your initial submission.
Mortgage Note
It is a 3-4 page document in your current mortgage file. It will look like the example above.
Please send all pages. If you can't find your Note, please notify your loan officer.
Don't let this stop you from proceeding as we can lock your rate without the Note.
Drivers License and Social Security Cards

For borrower and any co-borrowers. If you can not find your social security cards, we can use a DD 214 or you may contact your loan officer and provide them with the number.
Homeowners Insurance Declarations Page

Current Mortgage Statement

Home Equity Line of Credit or Second Mortgage - Please send in Mortgage Statement and Promissory Note.
Solar Panel Financing - Please send in the Financing Agreement.
Solar Panel Lease - Please send in the Lease Agreement.
Download and Sign Borrower Authorization
and Interest Rate Lock Disclosure
To download click here.
Fill out Online Application and Upload Documents
Please go to our encrypted secure website to enter your pre-application
information and upload materials online at
To JUST upload documents during your refinance
use the following link:
Unfreeze Credit Scores

For instructions on how to unfreeze credit click here.
If already unfrozen, please proceed to step 4.
Recommended (Not Required): To avoid credit bureaus selling your info to telemarketers click on the following link: www.optoutprescreen.com
Contact your Loan Officer
after you complete steps 1-3.

And that's it!
We will start on your application as soon as possible!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time during the process.
Thank you again for choosing Freedomstar Financial!